该用户匿名发帖 发表于 2009-7-9 20:12   全显示 1楼

[求助] Concerning my ID

My ID was pilfered by someone else, I strongly censure this kind of conduct. I do not know whether my original ID could be resumed or not! The master pls kindly help me! You can check my record before, to see whether have any bad experiences, tks!
该用户匿名发帖 发表于 2009-7-9 20:14   全显示 2楼
Sorry, I forgot that my orginal ID is SamCAO
该用户匿名发帖 发表于 2009-7-9 22:01   全显示 3楼
原帖由 RachCooL 于 2009-7-9 21:04 发表
As far as my concern, your account been terminated due to your own mistake. Kind of advertisement post is strictly prohibited.
Please find the forum's rules and regulation and review it once again.  ...
I know what your meaning is, but I have never done that, someone stole my ID, I have no idea, when I log in with my original ID, I just knew that, I have no method to complain!
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